• Creating a safe
work environment
• Safe decontamination
of equipment
Sterilization and disinfection
Safe disposal of waste contaminated with body fluid
• Planning and management
and management
Gaining and maintaining adequate supplies and resources
Developing creative strategies
Setting and maintaining standards, and political action
Care for the caregiver
Initiating a package of services
• Questions for
reflection and discussion
Many forms of contact with HIV/AIDS patients do not require
the use of Universal Precautions. (Credit: WHO/Waak)
• Introduction:
HIV and other
blood borne illnesses such as Hepatitis B may be transmitted in
the health care setting from patient to health care worker, patient
to patient, or from health care worker to the patient. HIV has been
isolated from: blood, semen, vaginal and cervical secretions, urine
and faeces, wound secretions, saliva, tears, breastmilk and cerebrospinal,
amniotic, synovial, and pericardial fluids. HIV is likely to be
present in other body fluids, particularly where visible blood is
present. However, blood is the only fluid known at this time to
be associated with HIV transmission in the health care setting (see
Fact Cheetah). The risk of transmitting HIV and other blood borne
diseases is dependent upon health care personnel practices, the
prevalence of the illness, and the amount and frequency of exposure.
The occupational risk of becoming HIV infected from patients in
health care settings is low (approximately 0.3%) and in most cases
is associated with needle-stick injuries from a patient with HIV.
Patient-to patient transmission results primarily from contaminated
equipment that has been incorrectly (or inadequately) disinfected,
or from blood transfusions.
Most patient care does not involve any risk of HIV transmission.
Therefore, routine HIV testing of all health care workers or patients
is NOT recommended. Most HIV-infected health care workers are
infected through sexual contact, and, to a lesser degree, through
intravenous drug use, blood transfusions and invasive surgical procedures,
including organ transplanation. Occupational exposure is rare. To
minimize the risk of occupational transmission of HIV (as well as
other infectious diseases), all health care workers should adopt
appropriate infection, risk assessment and accident prevention procedures.
These include:
Understand and use Universal Precautions with all patients,
at all times, in all settings, regardless of the diagnosis;
Reduce unnecessary blood transfusions, injections, suturing,
invasive procedures such as episiotomies and other questionable
surgical procedures;
Make adequate supplies available to comply with simple standards
of infection control, even in resource poor settings;
Adopt locally appropriate policies and guidelines for the
proper use of supplies, and for the education and supervision
of staff;
Assess and reduce risks during regular supervision in health
care settings.
• Risk of HIV transmission
in the health care setting
HIV can be transmitted
in the following ways:
To patients
through contaminated instruments that are re-used without adequate
disinfection and sterilization; transfusion of HIV-infected blood,
skin grafts, organ transplants; HIV-infected donated semen; and
contact with blood or other body fluids from an HIV-infected health
care worker.
To health care workers
skin piercing with a needle or any other sharp instrument which
has been contaminated with blood or other body fluids from an HIV
infected person; exposure of broken skin, open cuts or wounds to
blood or other body fluids from an HIV infected person; and splashes
from infected blood or body fluids onto the mucous membranes (mouth
or eyes).
• Creating a safe work
context and environment in which health care is provided influence
not only the quality of care delivered, but also the safety and
well being of care providers. Measures that promote a safe and supportive
work environment include:
of employees about occupational risks (Fact Sheet 9), methods
of prevention of HIV and other infectious diseases (Fact Sheet
12), and procedures for reporting exposure;
provision of protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, plastic
aprons, gowns, and other protective devices;
provision of appropriate disinfectants to clean up spills of
blood and other body fluids;
increasing the accessibility of puncture resistant "sharps"
maintaining appropriate staffing levels;
ensuring that Universal Precautions are implemented, monitored
and evaluated;
providing post-exposure counselling (Fact Sheet 7), treatment,
follow-up and care;
implementing measures that reduce and prevent stress, isolation
and burnout;
controlling shift lengths and providing supervision of inexperienced
addressing the healthcare, compensation and financial needs
of HIV positive health care workers;
providing flexible work allocation for HIV positive personnel
and continuing their employment for as long as possible. Their
participation will be dependent upon their condition, job demands,
and the need to protect them from other infections such as tuberculosis
providing dispute settlement mechanisms for HIV infected personnel.
In many resource
poor situations, it might not be possible to meet all of the above
requirements. However, working toward these goals should be the
responsibility of nurses and midwives, other health care workers
and their employers. Preventive measures are difficult to practice
when supplies and protective equipment are not always available.
Priorities must be set and low-cost alternatives sought. Yet, even
when supplies are available, the use of Universal Precautions may
be influenced by management policy, personal practices, attitude
and complacency of staff.
Prevention of occupational exposure to HIV also includes risk assessment
and risk reduction activities such as:
using Universal
wearing heavy-duty gloves when disposing of "sharps";
assessing protective and other equipment for risk and safety;
adopting safe techniques and procedures, such as disposing of
needles without recapping, or recapping using the single-handed
method, using sterile nasal catheters and other resuscitation
equipment, using a separate delivery pack for each delivery,
and not using episiotomy scissors to cut the umbilical cord.
making appropriate disinfectants and cleaning materials available;
sterilizing equipment properly;
eliminating unnecessary injections, episiotomies, and laboratory
tests; avoiding, or covering, breaks in the skin, especially
the hands. |
• Universal Precautions
Universal Precautions
are simple standards of infection control practices to be used in
the care of all patients, at all times, to reduce the risk of transmission
of blood borne infections. They include:
careful handling
and disposal of "sharps";
hand washing with soap and water before and after all procedures;
use of protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks,
goggles for direct contact with blood and other body fluids;
safe disposal of waste contaminated with blood or body fluids;
proper disinfection of instruments and other contaminated equipment;
proper handling of soiled linen.
handling and disposal of "sharps"
The greatest hazard of HIV transmission in health care settings
is through skin puncture with contaminated needles or "sharps".
Most "sharps" injuries involving HIV transmission are through deep
injuries with hollow-bore needles. Such injuries frequently occur
when needles are recapped, cleaned, disposed of, or inappropriately
Although recapping needles is to be avoided whenever possible, sometimes
recapping is necessary. When this is the case, a single-handed scooping
method should be used. To do this, place the needle cap on a hard,
flat surface and remove your hand. With one hand, hold the syringe
and use the needle to scoop up the cap. When the cap completely
covers the needle, use the other hand to place the cap firmly on
the hub of the needle.
Puncture-resistant disposal containers must be available and readily
accessible for the disposal of "sharps". Many easily available objects,
such as a tin with a lid, a thick plastic bottle, or a heavy plastic
or cardboard box, can work as suitable "sharps" containers. These
can be burned in a closed incinerator, or can be used to transport
the "sharps" to an incinerator. It is important to empty containers
when they are 3/4 full, to wear heavy-duty gloves when transporting
"sharps" containers, to incinerate used equipment at a hot enough
temperature to melt the needles. Where the sharp container is not
burned, bury it in a deep pit. Added precautions to prevent "sharp"
injuries include wearing gloves, having an adequate light source
when treating patients, locating sharps containers directly at the
point of use, never discarding "sharps" in general waste, and keeping
"sharps" out of the reach of children. Whenever possible, needle
holders should be used when suturing.
"Sharps" accidents
Each health care facility should develop standards, policies and
procedures to be followed in case of "sharps" injury or other exposure.
Many health care workers neglect to report such injuries. This can
lead to inaccurate data on health care worker exposure and more
importantly, to a lack of follow-up counselling, testing, treatment
and care (Fact Sheet 7). Following a "sharps" injury, immediate
first aid should be given, such as flushing the site with running
water, hand washing with soap and water, and, where there is bleeding,
allowing the site to bleed briefly. Any exposed mucous membranes
should be flushed with large amounts of water. Antiseptic solutions
can have a caustic effect and have not been proven to be effective.
However, in the absence of water, antiseptic solutions should be
used. Following exposure, the type of exposure and the actions taken
should be recorded and the appropriate authorities notified. Accident
forms should be completed including information about the type of
injury, any witnesses and the name of the patient if known. The
accident victim should then report to the accident or emergency
department for further care and advice. Voluntary confidential counselling
should be available immediately, and HIV testing and follow up counselling
made available (Fact Sheet 7). Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with
antiretroviral treatments (ARV) can reduce the risk of becoming
infected. PEP should be guided by local policies and is dependent
upon the availability of drugs. If available, a combination of ARV
should be taken as soon as possible after the accident (within 24
hours) and for four weeks following exposure. Many health care workers
find reporting and undergoing voluntary testing and counselling
stressful, and some chose to remain silent. This silence is often
due to the fear, stigma and discrimination associated with HIV (Fact
Sheet 6).
Evaluating "sharps" practices
If the same accident occurs more than twice, "sharps" practices
must be evaluated. Methods for avoiding "sharps" use should be considered,
for example, drugs might be given by methods other than injection;
stapling rather than suturing; using adhesive tape or skin closure
strips; and avoiding unnecessary incisions such as episiotomies.
• Safe decontamination
of equipment
Efficient cleaning
with soap and hot water removes a high proportion of any microorganisms.
All equipment should be dismantled before cleaning. Heavy gloves
should be worn for cleaning equipment and if splashing with body
fluid is likely, then additional protective clothing such as aprons,
gowns, and goggles should be worn. The following table helps in
selecting the method for decontamination:
Level of Risk |
Items |
Decontamination Method |
risk |
Instruments which penetrate the skin/body |
Sterilization, of single use of disposables |
Moderate risk |
Instruments which come in contact with non-intact skin or mucous
membrane |
Sterilization, boiling, or chemical disinfection |
risk |
Equipment which comes in contact with intact skin |
Thorough washing with soap and hot water |
and disinfection
forms of sterilization will destroy HIV.
Recommended methods of sterilization include steam under pressure
(e.g.. autoclave or pressure cooker), or dry heat such as an oven.
Disinfection will usually inactivate HIV. Two commonly used disinfection
methods are boiling and chemical disinfection. If boiling, equipment
should be cleaned and boiled for 20 minutes at sea level, and longer
at higher altitudes. Chemical disinfection is not as reliable as
sterilizing or boiling. However, chemical disinfection can be used
on heat sensitive equipment, or when other methods of decontamination
are not available. Equipment should be dismantled, thoroughly cleaned
and rinsed after disinfection. Chemicals that have been found to
inactivate HIV include chlorine-based agents (for example, bleach),
2% glutaraldehyde, and 70% ethyl and isoproyl alcohol.
Detergents and hot water are adequate for the routine cleaning of
floors, beds, toilets, walls, and rubber draw sheets. Following
a spillage of body fluids, heavy-duty rubber gloves should be worn
and as much body fluid removed with an absorbent material. This
can then be discarded in a leak proof container and later incinerated
or buried in a deep pit. The area of spillage should be cleaned
with a chlorine-based disinfectant and the area thoroughly washed
with hot soap and water.
All soiled linen should be handled as little as possible, bagged
at the point of collection and not sorted or rinsed in patient care
areas. If possible, linen with large amounts of body fluid should
be transported in leakproof bags. If leakproof bags are not available,
the linen should be folded with the soiled parts inside and handled
carefully, with gloves.
Safe disposal of waste contaminated with body fluids
Solid waste that is contaminated with blood, body fluids, laboratory
specimens or body tissue all should be placed in leak proof containers
and incinerated, or buried in a 7 foot deep pit, at least 30 feet
away from a water source. Liquid waste such as blood or body fluid
should be poured down a drain connected to an adequately treated
sewer or pit latrine.
• Planning and management
Proper planning
and management of supplies and other resources are essential in
reducing the occupational risk of HIV infection. Such measures should
include risk assessment, setting of standards and protocols that
address safety, risk reduction, post-exposure follow-up and first-aid.
In addition, occupational risks can be reduced by introducing measures
to prevent or reduce stress, maintain an optimum workload, orientate
new staff and provide education and supervision. Staff burnout,
characterized by feelings of depletion, loss of vitality, energy,
and motivation is a major occupational hazard and can lead to increased
risk for occupational exposure to HIV. In addition, fear of occupational
exposure to HIV in health care settings may discourage potential
recruits from pursuing nursing and midwifery as a career, thus reducing
the future supply of trained professionals. Strategies that address
these concerns include:
Gaining and
maintaining adequate supplies and resources
need to explore different approaches to meet their resource needs,
such as:
Finding out
what can be obtained from government and non governmental sources,
through regular distribution systems;
Finding out what is locally available and can be bought. To
what extent can patients and their relatives contribute?
Reviewing the quality of available supplies;
Developing or improving systems for ordering, transporting,
and storing, and ensuring there is not an oversupply that will
be wasted;
Developing a schedule for obtaining and maintaining supplies
which includes taking into consideration travel, delivery time,
and weather;
Establishing sustainable acquisition and payment procedures.
Developing creative strategies
In resource poor settings, some supplies may not be available. In
such cases, nurses/midwives must creatively about how to manage
care. Can plastic bags or condoms be used instead of gloves; can
cooking utensils be used for boiling equipment; are there herbal
and traditional alternatives to detergents and soaps? Can leaves,
thimbles, or plastic wrap be used instead of bandaids to protect
cuts? Are the resources that are available being used appropriately?
For example, if gloves are in short supply, prioritize -- they are
less necessary for giving routine injections and making beds than
for deliveries and suturing.
One way to assign priorities is to classify the commonly performed
procedures into low, medium and high risk, and allocate resources
accordingly. Consideration should be given to cost effectiveness
as opposed to cost containment noting that the cheapest equipment
is not always the safest or most cost effective in the long run.
In home care settings, nurses/midwives will need to be even more
creative in finding solutions to infection control. Wherever possible,
a home care kit should be available to all health care personnel
working in the community and in homes. This kit should include disinfectants,
soap, utensils for boiling, gloves, protective garments, and containers
for safe disposal of equipment and waste.
Setting and maintaining standards, and political action
Nurses and midwives should be active in developing and maintaining
quality assurance programs, and in developing and participating
in infection control committees. Nurses and midwives must also develop,
maintain, and evaluate standards, procedures and protocols for safe,
adequate and effective control of infections. In addition, nurse
managers should exert political pressure upon employers and upon
national and international agencies to provide funds for essential
supplies and equipment for providing safe quality care.
Care for the care giver
Understandably, many nurses and midwives fear becoming infected
with HIV. Stigma, prejudice and discrimination surrounding HIV and
its life threatening effect may compromise their ability to provide
quality care, and even their commitment to remain in the profession
(Fact Sheet 6). There should be adequate insurance and compensation
for HIV-infected health workers. However, such compensation will
depend upon the country's ability to pay, the place of employment
and the employer. Particular attention should be given to:
Continued employment
Being HIV-infected is not a cause for termination of employment,
regardless of whether HIV was acquired on the job or not. As with
any other illness, HIV-infected nurses/midwives should be allowed
to work as long as they are fit, provided they practice universal
precautions. HIV infected health care workers can make considerable
contributions to care by helping to educate others, reducing the
stigma and discrimination associated with HIV, and providing sensitivity
training, support and counselling. Employers should provide work
assignments that both support the HIV infected worker's ability
to perform tasks and enable them to avoid infections (particularly
Workplace issues
Health care workers, like the general population, may feel fear,
stigma and discrimination towards HIV-infected individual (see Fact
Sheet 6). In fact, HIV- infected health care workers are often subjected
to severe sanctions from their colleagues. As a result, many careworkers
are reluctant to be tested and to enter into counselling, treatment
and care. This is problematic, because if nurses/midwives do not
know their HIV status, they can put themselves and others in the
health care setting at risk. Therefore, employers should develop
policies that:
protect the
privacy of the HIV-infected employee;
prevent social isolation of the HIV-infected employee by co-workers;
keep HIV-positive personnel in a supportive occupational setting
as long as possible;
educate all employees, management and union leaders about the
rights and care of HIV-infected health care workers.
Initiating a package of services
Depending on the
stage of the disease and the resources that are available, HIV positive
nursing/midwifery personnel require a package of services that might
employers, managers and insurance agencies not to discriminate
against HIV positive personnel;
providing support, legal assistance and referral;
fostering networking with other HIV positive employees;
counselling on career change and job retraining opportunities;
advising about continued practice and the disclosure of their
HIV status;
developing and disseminating position statements on issues such
as mandatory testing (not supported), ethical obligations for
HIV positive personnel, and ethical treatment by health care
workers for people living with HIV;
providing up-to-date and accurate information about compensation
benefits, occupational risks, and follow-up care;
clarifying professional ethical norms and obligations in regard
to health care and HIV.